This tutorial is show how to connect ms access database using PHP and how to retrive data of its table now i have ms access 2010 database in following table
Table name : result
Field names :
Find php.ini File
Ex: in xampp environment
Open php.ini file using notepad
Copy and Paste following code and save
then refresh the xampp
PHP and Ms Access database connection and retrive data
$sql3=$con->Execute("Select * from Result");
Table name : result
Field names :
- indexNo
- subjectName
- subjectCode
- subjectMark
for this if you using xampp or wampp or something please change this file for suppot .net framework
Find php.ini File
Ex: in xampp environment
Open php.ini file using notepad
Copy and Paste following code and save
then refresh the xampp
PHP and Ms Access database connection and retrive data
<?php //Create Connection $con = new COM("ADODB.Connection") or die("Cannot start ADODB Connection from 'database_conn.php'"); $con->Open("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=" . realpath("dbf/Student.accdb")); //Retrive Data echo " <table width='95%' border='1' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' bordercolor='#550055'> <tr> <td width='20%' height='35' bgcolor='#550055'><p class='facTBLHeader facDean'>Subject Code</p></td> <td width='59%' bgcolor='#550055'><p class='facTBLHeader facDean'>Subject Name</p></td> <td width='21%' bgcolor='#550055'><p class='facTBLHeader facDean'>Mark</p></td> </tr>"; //retrive result table data (specific Index No) $index=001; $sql3=$con->Execute("Select * from Result where( IndexNo='".$index."')"); while(!$sql3->EOF) { $subCode=$sql3 ->Fields[2]->value; $subName=$sql3 ->Fields[3]->value; $subMark=$sql3 ->Fields[4]->value; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td height='26' style='padding-left:10px'>".$subCode."</td>"; echo "<td height='26' style='padding-left:10px'>".$subName."</td>"; echo "<td height='26' align='center'>".$subMark."</td>"; echo" </tr>"; $sql3->MoveNext(); } $sql3->Close(); //retrieve all subject name, code and mark details of index no 001If you want to get all details change SQL query Like this.
$sql3=$con->Execute("Select * from Result");
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Posted at 10:49 PM |  by
Mit Guru